In the nascent bloom of the digital world, short films were often seen as the perfect content. While it perhaps never quite reached the utopian ideals that some had hoped for the short film world, an online release for a short film is now crucial to many filmmakers. But so is screening at a film festival. With some festivals still demanding that they will only screen films that have not screened online, what becomes more important for a filmmaker? Does your online release strategy have to be very different to your festival release strategy? Or can they be more complementary than one first thought? We’ll discuss many pressing issues of the film festival versus online debate with a panel representing many differing views from across the industry.
Moderator: Laurence Boyce
Agnė Adomėnė (Art Shot, Lithuanian Animation Association, Lithuania)
Laurent Crouzeix (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival and Market, Euro Connection,, France)
Inga Diev (Ouat Media, Canadian Filmmakers’ Distribution Centre, Canada)
Jing Haase (Swedish Film Institute, Sweden)
Karolis Kaupinis (director and screenwriter, Lithuania)
Enrico Vannucci (Venice Film Festival, Quebec City Film Festival, Torino Short Film Market, Italy)
Sari Volanen (YLE TV, Finland)
Time: 12 October, 12:30-13:30
Venue: Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vokiečių str. 2, LT–01130 Vilnius, Lithuania.